The sequel to the original book ‘Secrets Behind A Bloodline’ follows the aftermath, where Karan wakes up from his worst nightmare to the ‘Reality’, only to find himself in a devastating present. The story catches up when he is convinced by some strange characters, that there was possibly a link between his ‘Dream’ and his ‘Present’! A convinced young Karan sets on the path of ‘Un-doing’ and ‘Redemption’ while the author gives some flashbacks from the previous book, tying the link to what can be ‘done’ or ‘un-done’ now by Karan in order to save his present state of reality. On his path to change things, he becomes a witness and a subject of ‘time-travel’ & ‘dream-travel’; but little does he know that a massive ‘Paradox’ awaits for him at the end of the line! On the other hand, Karan is also shown to be developing feelings for a girl. Will he end up with the girl of his dreams in the end?
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