- ISBN : 9798475437759
- Publisher : SPI Publications; First edition (5 October 2021)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 51 pages
“There is an immediate attraction to something or someone you can relate to. My set of short stories and poems come directly from my heart. And, it is my strong belief that what comes from the heart will definitely resonate with someone else’s experience. It took me a whole pandemic to realise my worth. COVID taught me to be brave, to take more risks, to dip my feet in shark infested waters and come out without losing a limb. Neither earth-shattering nor mind-blowing, these stories make up a fraction of my experience with this virus and I chose to share them with you today, because at the end of all this, when I look back, I would like to see smiles too, not just suffering. It took me a while to talk about my experiences, but here I am, opening up a little part of my world to you all. I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it. “
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